The more I read about so-called "healthcare" in America, the more dismayed I am at how entrenched these utterly craven and rapacious industry operating systems are -- and how little they have to do with actual human lives/health. People are literally dying, for the bottomline/profits/stock price of companies/corporations. ("Sorry, that cancer treatment is experimental and not covered by your policy. Sorry, you didn't get prior-authorization for you ER visit. Sorry, but that's the negotiated prescription price, even if it's 1/5th of that price in Canada . . . etc. etc.)

How do we, as a country, even begin to unravel such a system-gone-badly-awry? "Healthcare" has been driven so far off of its purported purpose by late-stage capitalism and unchecked greed and corruption. The system is rotting from within -- it has "sepsis," if you will . . .

Please write about, and promote, some ideas and actions that "We The People" can take, to make some kind of meaningful push-back. Letters and phone calls to politicians and elected officials aren't cutting it. Reporting crooked healthcare systems and insurance companies to AGs and insurance commissions doesn't either. (Ask me how I know . . .) There are no government agencies that, in practice, actually actively address the needs/concerns of citizenry; they appear to be working rather exclusively for the "Corporations Are People Too" entities. My experiences have led me to believe that many of the governmental agencies that ostensibly work for American citizens are actually just window-dressing . . . ie. empty storefronts with nothing in them for the average "little guy" or individual American.

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Healthcare in America really sucks! Ever since Nixon allowed healthcare to become profitable, the entire American healthcare system has run amuck! There is only care is for those who can truly afford it. I just do not understand what the ACA has done to control costs and profits.

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